Flying Monkey Costumes

This costume can be both scary and amusing.With bird-like wings and a mask, this furry costume is the best choice if you intend to frighten someone. Alternatively, they can be cheerful too if they come bereft of mask and fur.

Flying Monkey Costumes for Men

These costumes may be furry or without fur. They may come in shades of pale blue, white, black, gray or brown.They may have a mask, claws, wings and cap.

Flying Monkeys Costume

Flying Monkeys Costume

Flying Monkey Halloween Costume

Flying Monkey Halloween Costume

Flying Monkey Costumes

Flying Monkey Costumes

Flying Monkey Costume

Flying Monkey Costume

Flying Monkey Costume Adult

Flying Monkey Costume Adult

This one would surely scare with a big monkey mask, bat-like wings, and black, shiny boots.

Flying Monkey Adult Costume

Flying Monkey Adult Costume

Adult Flying Monkey Costume

Adult Flying Monkey Costume

Flying Monkey Costumes for Kids

The ones for kids are available in various colors like gray, blue, red, and brown.They may contain a mask. Wings are a must.

Toddler Flying Monkey Costume

Toddler Flying Monkey Costume

Infant Flying Monkey Costume

Infant Flying Monkey Costume

Flying Monkey Infant Costume

Flying Monkey Infant Costume

This bright blue costume has a tail too!

Flying Monkey Costume Toddler

Flying Monkey Costume Toddler

Baby Flying Monkey Costume

Baby Flying Monkey Costume

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